// EDIT FROM HERE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Script settings **/ var settings = { 'force_size': 0, // if set to 1 all banners will be resized to the width and height in the next to settings 'img_width': 468, // width to resize all banners to, only takes effect if above is 1 'img_height': 60, // height to resize all banners to, only takes effect if above is 1 'refresh_time': 5000, // the seconds between refreshs of the banners - use 0 to disable 'refresh_max': 100, // maximum number of refreshs on each page load 'duplicate_banners': 0, // keep as 0 to make sure the same banner won't show on the same page. will only take effect // if show_banners(); is used more than once. You must make sure you have enough banners to fill // all the slots else the browser may freeze or give a stack overflow error 'location_prefix': 'adLocation-', // The prefix of the IDs of the
which wraps the banners - this div is generated dynamically. // a number will be added on the end of this string. adLocation- was used by default before version 1.4.x 'location_class': 'swb', // A class to add to all of the
s which wrap the banners, ideal to use for styling banners - use .swb img in your CSS 'window': '_blank', // Window to open links in, _self = current, _blank = new. Use _top if in a frame! 'default_ad_loc': 'default' // The default adLocation. This is assigned to any banners not given an adLocation in the below banner list // There is no real reason to need to change this } /** Banners **/ // banner list syntax: new banner(website_name, website_url, banner_url, show_until_date, adlocation), DATE FORMAT: dd/mm/yyyy // if you're not using adlocations just leave it empty like '' as in the last example here // to make sure a banner is always rotating, just set the date far into the future, i.e. year 3000 var banners = [ new banner('Da' 'http://www.computer.all-up.com', 'http://www.imagineata.ro/produse/banner1_bi.jpg' '31/12/2019', ''), new banner('Nume', 'Link', 'Link Banner', '31/12/2019', ''), new banner('Nume', 'Link', 'Link Banner', '31/12/2019', '') ] // There is no need to edit below here /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var used=0;var location_counter=0;var refresh_counter=1;var map=new Array();function banner(a,b,c,d,e){this.name=a;this.url=b;this.image=c;this.date=d;this.active=1;this.oid=0;if(e!=''){this.loc=e}else{this.loc=settings.default_ad_loc}}function show_banners(a){location_counter=location_counter+1;if(a!=''&&a!=undefined){map[location_counter]=a}else{map[location_counter]=settings.default_ad_loc}var b='
';document.write(b);display_banners(location_counter)}function display_banners(a){var b=new Array();if(a==''||!a||a<0){return}var c=banners.length;if((c==used)&&settings.duplicate_banners==0){return}for(i=0;i<(banners.length);i++){banners[i].oid=i;if((banners[i].loc==map[a])&&(banners[i].active==1)){b.push(banners[i])}}var d=Math.floor(Math.random()*b.length);var e=b[d];var f=(settings.force_size==1)?' width="'+settings.img_width+'" height="'+settings.img_height+'"':'';var g=''+e.name+'';var h=new Date();var j=e.date;j=j.split('/',3);var k=new Date();k.setFullYear(parseInt(j[2]),parseInt(j[1])-1,parseInt(j[0]));if((h